Alert troops of the Border Security Force (BSF) Meghalaya in a joint operation with Meghalaya police on Saturday seized huge quantity of Medicines, Clothing, and Glass frames worth Rs 88 lakhs, which were meant to be smuggled to Bangladesh from the international border of South West Khasi Hills.
Acting on specific information, a BSF party of 193rd Battalion, along with troops of Meghalaya police, intercepted two Bolero pickups near the Gumaghat bordering area.
These vehicles were loaded with a huge quantity of medicines, sarees, and glass frames intended for smuggling into Bangladesh.
The drivers of both vehicles were apprehended because they could not provide a valid justification or documents regarding the consignments they were carrying.
The apprehended persons, along with the seized items, were handed over to the concern police station for further legal action.
In another operation, acting on specific information, troops from the 43rd Battalion of BSF Meghalaya, in a joint operation with Meghalaya Police, seized 9,000 kilograms of dry betel nuts worth Rs 18 lakhs. These betel nuts were found stocked in an abandoned house near the Rongra bordering area of South Garo Hills.