Union Home Minister Amit Shah attended the MoU signing ceremony of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh on Thursday to resolve the long-standing border dispute between the two states.
Speaking on the occasion in New Delhi, Amit Shah said, “The signing of an agreement for the settlement of an inter-state boundary dispute between the two states is a very big achievement. Today, we have crossed the milestone for the establishment of a developed, peaceful and conflict-free Northeast.”
Amit Shah further said, “The problem that was not solved after 1972 has been completed today. The 800-km-long boundary dispute ends today. This problem has been resolved through the formation of regional committees. This is a good sign for the Northeast.”
He also highlighted that hundreds of young men have left arms and returned to the mainstream. He further stated that 70 percent of Assam's area has come out of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA). This will pave the way for the development of the region in all fronts, he added.
The MoU was signed after several rounds of talks between the two states, which were held in a cordial and constructive atmosphere. The agreement provides for the setting up of a boundary commission to resolve any future disputes and the formation of regional committees to address the concerns of the people living in the border areas.
The agreement further includes provisions for better communication between the two states and a joint survey to resolve any disputes that may arise in the future.