In a dramatic turn of events, Sheikh Hasina, the former Prime Minister of Bangladesh, has resigned and fled the country, concluding a 15-year tenure marked by controversy and unrest. Her son, Sajeeb Wazed Joy, announced that his mother has no plans to return to politics, a statement that follows a violent upheaval in the country.
Joy expressed his mother's deep disappointment in a BBC interview, alleging that despite her extensive efforts to improve Bangladesh, a minority has risen against her. "She’s very disappointed," Joy told the BBC’s Newshour programme, suggesting that the backlash was disproportionate to her accomplishments. He defended Hasina's record, arguing that she revitalized a failing state, transforming Bangladesh from a struggling nation into one of Asia's rising tigers.
However, the narrative of Hasina’s alleged success is increasingly being questioned. Critics argue that her administration’s heavy-handed tactics have fueled widespread dissent. Joy's defense of the government’s response to protests, which have resulted in over 300 deaths, highlights a broader issue: the brutal suppression of dissent. Joy claimed that the police were merely reacting to extreme violence, noting, "You’ve had policemen beaten to death – 13 just yesterday."
The situation in Bangladesh has rapidly deteriorated, with thousands of demonstrators targeting official residences and party buildings linked to Hasina. The violent clashes, ignited by protests against a controversial quota system for government jobs, have pushed the nation to the brink of instability.
Adding to the crisis, the main airport in Dhaka has suspended operations amid heightened security concerns. As Bangladesh grapples with high unemployment, corruption, and climate change, Hasina's abrupt departure raises serious questions about the future stability of the densely populated nation.
Amidst these developments, Joy's reassurances and justifications may do little to assuage growing skepticism about the true state of affairs in Bangladesh.