The Sahityarathi Lakshminath Bezbaruah Smriti Raksha Samiti on Saturday said that they are lucky to preserve the Sadhana Griha and residence of the noted Assamese writer.
While a addressing a press conference, journalist and writer Dipak Kumar Panda said, “We are lucky to be able to preserve Bezbaruah's sadhana griha and residence.”
He informed that the process for the preservation of the writer’s residence in Sambalpur has started and will be completed by next one year while the preservation of sadhana griha has been completed.
Along with the preservation, a library with Bezbaruah’s photos and books will be established after renovation.
An exhibition centre will also be established where people can read and have discussions on the noted writer’s books and life.
Panda said that research scholars and writers from the state and Odisha can come to this place for research-related work.
A sum amount of Rs. 197 lakhs has been allocated for the renovation and preservation of Bezbaruah’s residence and sadhana griha where Odisha government gave Rs. 55.48 lakhs and the state government gave Rs. 50 lakhs.
The state government allotted the money in the year 2019 itself.
Panda said, “79.57 lakh required for construction of Sadhana Griha and the committee has Rs 25.91 lakh at present.
“This issue has been discussed with the Government of Assam and the government has decide to allot Rs 47 lakh again,” he added.