
Bus Service Connecting Agartala To Bangladesh To Resume Next Week

Visas for passengers are already being issued by the assistant high commission of Bangladesh in Tripura’s capital Agartala.

Pratidin Time
New Update
Bus Service Connecting Agartala To Bangladesh To Resume Next Week

Bus service connecting Agartala to Kolkata via Bangladesh to resume soon

The Agartala-Dhaka-Kolkata bus service will resume from next week after a gap of two years due to Covid-19 restrictions.


Visas for passengers are already being issued by the assistant high commission of Bangladesh in Tripura’s capital Agartala.

The bus service that connects Agartala to Kolkata via Dhaka will resume after both India and Bangladesh withdrew restrictions on passenger movement through Akhaura and Benapole land ports to Bangladesh.

The Maitree bus service of the Tripura road transport corporation (TRTC) will start from April 20, state government officials confirmed. However, an official confirmation from Bangladesh is yet to come.

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Bangladesh’s transport authority will run a bus from Kolkata’s Salt Lake via Dhaka with destination being Agartala.

Notably, the bus service was introduced first in 1999.

Meanwhile, Bangladesh has also proposed a direct bus service from Agartala to Chattogram via Dhaka and another to Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh.

Tripura road transport minister Pranajit Singha Roy said, “We are working on the proposals, which will be feasible once the Indian government clears it. The Bangladesh tour operators have been asked to take up the issue with their government.”

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Bangladesh Kolkata Agartala bus service