The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Assam Police on Wednesday conducted raids at several parts of Guwahati in connection with the arrest of an individual who impersonated crime branch officials to extort money.
A team of officials from the CID conducted raids today at house number 47 in Manikanchan Path in the Hatigaon locality of Guwahati.
The accused in the matter, Upendra Pandey, allegedly stayed in the rental space as a tenant three years ago. Officials informed that he had posed as CID officer then to his tenant.
The CID raid went on for about three hours at the location during which they recovered several incriminating materials against the accused.
It may be noted that Pandey, who posed as high ranking police official and extorted money from other accused to settle their matters, was caught by the CID in Guwahati yesterday.
A resident of Uttar Pradesh, Pandey took money in the name of top CID officials, said police.
The CID arrested the fraudster based on the statements of some of the accused.