Bringing to focus a blatant misuse of power and position, Basistha Police In Guwahati on Friday arrested a 20-year-old youth, son of a public servant, over a hit-and-run case that left one person dead. The incident had taken place on January 26 when the accused ran his speeding vehicle over the middle-aged man killing him on the spot.
A police statement on Friday mentioned that the victim namely Narabahdur Thapa, aged 54 years, succumbed to his injuries on the spot as he was left lying on the road unattended. The accident took place at around 8:30 pm on national highway-27 at the Nalapara sub locality, which falls under Basistha Police Station in Guwahati. At the time the unidentified vehicle managed to flee from the spot.
Following the accident, a case numbered 62/24 was registered under sections 279/304 (A) for negligent and rash driving at Basistha Police Station.
While initially it was reported that the car that caused the accident was a police vehicle based on statements from witnesses, the statement from the police corroborated it to some extent, unravelling shocking details that point to misuse of power.
"During [the] investigation, it has come to the light that the suspected vehicle was fitted with Red/Green lights as is used in police vehicles and was also fitted with siren-like equipment and as such police [were] clueless whether it was a police vehicle or any private vehicle fitted with such equipment," the statement from Basistha Police read.
The investigation into the matter continued and finally the police made a breakthrough when they got clues regarding the possible involvement of a private Scorpio vehicle. Based on that, 20-year-old Arin Kataki was apprehended.
The accused is the son of Pranjal Kataki who is presently posted as the Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) at Forest Resources and Survey Division, Santipur in Guwahati. A resident of Rupkonwar Path, VIP Road near Six Mile in the Dispur area of Guwahati, the accused youth was taken in for questioning by the police. During the interrogation, Arin Kataki confessed to the crime, the police said.
Subsequently, the police recovered the vehicle that caused the accident, a black Scorpio with registration number AS 01 FF 0555 and sporting a "Govt of Assam" sign. Moreover, the car with damages was found concealed at a garage in Six Mile and it had red/green warning lights and a siren fitted.
During the investigation, new penal sections were added including Section 201/304 of the IPC attempting to destroy evidence and culpable homicide not amounting to murder, the police said.
According to the police, the accused Arin Kataki is pursuing a law degree at a private university and was found to be leading a completely indiscipline life. Further legal steps against the accused have been initiated, the police added.