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With the rising demands for cattle, smuggling of cattle continues unabated in the state and in a recent incident, a truck full of cattle has been seized from Nalbari district.
Nalbaripolice, in their regular search operation has seized the cattle carrying truckwhich was being carried to 9th mile in Guwahati.
Moreover,a cow was found dead inside the truck with the number ML 11-8853.
Theillegal supply of cattle from the neighbouring countries is a flourishingbusiness and the trend has been going on since very long with the consent ofthe police. But due to some amount of money, the vehicles carrying cows arebeing allowed to pass to other states.
Ithas also been alleged that the business mushroomed under the previous Congressregime and it still continued during the BJP-led government which was expectedto control once it would come into power. But the result seems to be same asthe cattle smuggling is flourishing in the market.
It may be mentioned here that the income rate under the presentgovernment has increased by manifolds. Earlier the income was in the house oflakhs, however, presently it goes up to several cores of rupees.
It has been alleged that the various departments like police,transport and animal husbandry are patronising these illegal movement of cattlefrom Assam to Bangladesh in return of some lakhs and crores of rupees given bythe cattle smugglers.
It is worth mentioning here that cattle-laden truckscontinue to enter Assam unabated from West Bengal and it is rampant mostly atthe Srirampur area along the Assam-West Bengal border. The flow of entry oftrucks increases every evening from 7 pm.