Neelkanth Ply & Veneer, a renowned name in the plywood industry of Northeast India, unveiled its newest showroom, XCLUSO, at Shine Towers Arya Nagar (Sarabbhati), Guwahati. The grand inauguration ceremony witnessed the presence of notable personalities, including acclaimed Assamese actress Nishita Goswami, alongside founder Nitin Agarwal, Nitesh Agarwal, and distinguished businessmen, elite architects, and interior designers from across the region.
XCLUSO, touted as a destination for luxury interior decorative products, promises an unparalleled shopping experience for patrons with a penchant for elegance and style. The showroom epitomizes Neelkanth Ply & Veneer's commitment to excellence, seamlessly blending modern aesthetics with timeless sophistication.
Founder of XCLUSO, Nitin Agarwal, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "We are thrilled to introduce our newest showroom, a testament to our dedication to providing our esteemed clientele with the finest products and service." He emphasized that the space symbolizes the company's passion for craftsmanship and innovation, offering a curated selection of their most coveted collections.
Spanning across 4000 sqft, the showroom showcases a diverse range of products, including plywood, doors, decorative laminates, veneers, wall panels, decorative surfaces, and cladding, meticulously curated to cater to discerning tastes. Each item reflects masterful craftsmanship and attention to detail.
Designed to immerse visitors in a world of luxury and sophistication, the showroom's layout invites exploration, with distinct sections dedicated to different collections and themes. Trained staff members are on hand to provide personalized assistance, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for every customer.
"We invite you to experience the epitome of luxury at our new showroom - XCLUSO," added Nitin Agarwal, extending a warm invitation to patrons seeking timeless elegance or the latest innovations in interior decor.
The grand opening of Neelkanth Ply & Veneer's XCLUSO showroom marks a significant milestone, reaffirming the company's position as a leader in the plywood industry while setting new standards for luxury interior decor in Guwahati.
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