
700 Seized Cattle Died in South Salmara

Many cattle have been died at South Salmara in the cowshed due to an unhealthy environment, lack of food and treatment.

Pratidin Bureau
New Update
700 Seized Cattle Died in South Salmara

Many cattle have been died at South Salmara in the cowshed due to an unhealthy environment, lack of food and treatment. These cows are being kept by the police and border security force personnel after being seized from smugglers.


The owner of this cow-shed is in a dilemma as there is nopermission to sell or auction these cows and many numbers of cows are dying forlack of treatment and food.

The police officials and BSF jawans seized many cattle from thecow smugglers when they brought these cows to smuggle to Bangladesh and otherneighbouring states.

It may be mentioned that the police and BSF have kept the cows in these sheds since one year which have seized from the smugglers, but due to lack of proper care, many cows have died.

According to reports, the cows that have been kept under thesupervision of Dhubri Court cannot be sold or auction without the permission ofthe court. And as the cows couldn't be sold it becomes difficult for the ownerof the cowshed to provide proper food and treatment and in one shed, 400 cowsout of 600 died while on the other, 300 cows died out of 600.

Bangladesh South Salmara cattle