
Weinstein guilty of Rape

Weinstein guilty of Rape

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Weinstein guilty of Rape

Finally the infamous Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is going to jail as he was convicted of sexual assault by a New York jury on Monday but acquitted on the most serious charges that could have sent him to prison for the rest of his life.


 Mr Weinstein, 67, arguably the biggest boss of the Hollywood, was convicted of sexually assaulting former production assistant Mimi Haleyi in 2006 and raping Jessica Mann, a onetime aspiring actress, in 2013.

He faces up to 25 years in prison on the sexual assault conviction.  However, The jury acquitted Weinstein on two counts of predatory sexual assault, which carried a potential life sentence, and first-degree rape of Mann.

The case has been followed by millions of women across thestate triggered the #MeToo movement that inspired women to go public withmisconduct allegations against powerful men.

During his trial, Weinstein often appeared feeble, enteringthe courthouse using a walker. He sometimes leaned on his lead attorney, DonnaRotunno, for support.

"He's taken some good acting tips," actress RoseMcGowan said at the start of the trial on Jan. 6 while staging a protest nearthe courthouse along with actress Rosanna Arquette and other Weinsteinaccusers.

Weinstein made his mark with critically acclaimed films suchas "The English Patient" and "Shakespeare in Love."

More than 80 women, including famous actresses, had accusedhim of sexual misconduct stretching back decades. He had denied the allegationsand said any sexual encounters were consensual.

Convict Hollywood Raoe Weinstein